
Coping with Waitlist Woes: How to Keep Calm While Awaiting College News

2 Minutes Read

December 12
quickapply blog

Keep Calm While Awaiting College News

Hey there, future college rockstar! So, you've done the hard part — applications are in, and now the nail-biting wait begins. We get it; it's like waiting for your favorite show's next season to drop. But guess what? You've got this! Instead of twiddling your thumbs, let's tackle that anxiety head-on with some cool tips. Think of it as your survival guide during this nail-biting waiting game. From chilling with awesome activities to zenning out, we've got the lowdown to make this waiting period a breeze. So, buckle up and let's make this waiting game as exciting as binge-watching your favorite series! ✨

1. Stay Busy and Engaged:

In the midst of waiting for college decisions, keeping yourself actively engaged can be a powerful distraction. Consider involving yourself in extracurricular activities, part-time work, or community service. Not only does this keep your mind occupied, but it also adds impressive facets to your personal and academic profile.

2. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can significantly reduce stress levels.Try guided meditation apps like Headspace or Calm, and consider setting aside time each week for yoga practices. These moments of calm can create a balanced and focused mindset, helping you navigate through anxious times.

3. Set Realistic Expectations:

It’s crucial to approach college admissions with a realistic mindset. Remember, acceptance and rejection are both part of this journey. Remind yourself that your self-worth isn't determined by college outcomes. Maintaining realistic expectations can help minimize stress and keep things in perspective.

4. Talk About It:

Don't hesitate to share your feelings with friends, family, or a counselor. Discussing your anxieties can provide emotional support and different perspectives. Joining online forums or student groups can also offer additional peer support. Having a support system can help you navigate through uncertainties and ease the burden of waiting.


5. Distract Yourself:

Engaging in activities that bring you joy and divert your attention is crucial. Whether it's binge-watching your favorite series, reading a captivating book, or listening to music, finding enjoyable distractions helps in alleviating stress and reducing anxiety.

6. Plan for the Future:

Instead of fixating solely on admission outcomes, focus on planning for the future. Explore alternative options, such as gap years, internships, or community college. Having a roadmap for your next steps can provide a sense of control and purpose.

7. Limit Social Media Checking:

While it's natural to seek updates, spending excessive time on social media can amplify anxiety. Try to limit your social media checking, as constant updates from peers may heighten stress levels. Try challenge yourself to a 'digital detox' day! Remember, your journey is unique, and it's essential to concentrate on your own achievements.

8. Physical Activity:

Physical activity is a proven stress reliever. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Whether it's a 30-day fitness challenge, a new sport, or yoga, physical activity is a proven stress buster and mood lifter. Exercise contributes to both physical and mental wellness.

9. Celebrate Achievements:

Take time to reflect on and celebrate your achievements. Whether it's creating a visual board or maintaining a journal of your accomplishments, recognizing your journey can instill a sense of pride and accomplishment, regardless of admission outcomes.

10. Seek Professional Help:

If anxiety becomes overwhelming, consider seeking support from a mental health professional. They can offer coping strategies tailored to your situation, provide a safe space for expressing concerns, and assist in managing stress during this challenging period.

Remember, navigating the college admissions process can be emotionally challenging, but proactively managing anxiety contributes to a healthier and more resilient mindset.