
Crafting a Standout Activity/Extracurriculars List with ProDream: Your Ticket to College Admission Success

2 Minutes Read

December 12
quickapply blog

Crafting a Standout Activity/Extracurriculars List with ProDream: Your Ticket to College Admission Success

The path to the hallowed halls of your dream college is paved with more than just stellar grades and high test scores. In the competitive realm of college applications, your activities and Extracurriculars (ECS) play a pivotal role in distinguishing you from the sea of applicants. These are the windows into your personality, showcasing your passions, leadership skills, and the depth of your character. A well-crafted activity list is not just a formality; it's an opportunity to sparkle in the eyes of admissions officers.

Crafting the perfect activity list is often a stumbling block for many high school students. Whether it's the Common App or the UC application, the challenge lies in encapsulating your rich experiences within stringent character limits. How do you choose which activities to highlight? How do you describe them compellingly? How do you make every word count? ProDream's Activity List feature is the panacea for these common application woes.

Finding the ProDream Activity List:

After logging into the ProDream platform, head to the left-hand sidebar. The last icon leads you to the "Activity List" function. Right beside the feature, you'll find a detailed tutorial—but allow us to walk you through the basics right here.


Using the Activity List Feature:

  • Upload Your Documents: Begin by uploading your resume, personal statement, or any drafts detailing your experiences. ProDream's AI is format-agnostic; it deciphers and processes all your information seamlessly.

Add multiple files if needed

  • Edit Your Draft: ProDream extracts your experiences into a draft list. Here, you can edit and add activities, polishing each one to perfection.
  • Generate Your List: Witness the magic as ProDream curates your list tailored to UC, Common App, or customized character limits. Multiple lists? Simply toggle between them with the top bar.
  • Final Touches: Use the Edit, Power Up, and Fit to Character Limit features to elevate your descriptions. Our AI ensures your prose is crisp, impactful, and admissions-ready.
  • View History: All your lists are stored for future reference. Access them anytime to revisit or revise your entries.

Example Transformation:

Consider an activity entry that we might initially write: "Played basketball, attended practice sessions, participated in important games, and contributed to team wins." While this tells what was done, it lacks the depth and specificity that admissions officers look for.

ProDream's tool refines this into a more polished and effective list item: "Varsity Basketball Player: Committed to weekly intensive training sessions, playing a key role in leading the team to a regional victory and fostering a culture of perseverance and teamwork."

This revision isn't just about using fancier words. It's about creating a vivid picture of your involvement and impact. It specifies the level of commitment, the role in the team's success, and personal development, all within the application's character limits.

The "Activity List" is more than a mere requirement; it's a strategic component of your application. With ProDream, you can elevate this section to effectively communicate your story, setting the stage for a strong application that captures the full spectrum of your high school experience. From essay polishing to comprehensive admission planning, ProDream empowers you to put forward the best version of your academic journey.