
Unlocking the Power of Your Personal Statement: A ProDream Guide with Real Examples and Feedback

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December 15
quickapply blog

Unlocking the Power of Your Personal Statement

Hello aspiring college students! Are you ready for the thrilling journey of college applications? A key part of this adventure is crafting a compelling personal statement. It's your opportunity to say, 'Here's who I am!' But what exactly is a personal statement, and how do you make yours stand out? Let's unravel this together.

Personal Statement Basics:

A personal statement is more than just an essay for your Common Application or other college applications. It's a chance to answer the big questions: "Who are you, and what's important to you?" No pressure, right? We're here to help you by showcasing personal statement examples and breaking down what makes them effective. So, let's dive in and discover how you can infuse some of that magic into your writing!

What to Include in Your Personal Statement:

Your personal statement is your stage to showcase the qualities, skills, and values that define you and prepare you for college. We believe a killer personal statement embodies four key qualities:

  • Values: Look for the author's core values in the essay. Are they diverse, or do they focus on a few key themes?
  • Vulnerability: Assess the authenticity of the essay. Does it feel genuine and heartfelt, or does it lean towards just showcasing intellect?
  • Insight: Identify those 'aha' moments. Are they expected, or do they offer new perspectives?
  • Craft: Evaluate how well the essay is put together. Does it flow logically, and does each word seem thoughtfully chosen?


Introducing ProDream's Evaluation Feature:

Before we dive into the example, let's talk about ProDream's evaluation feature. This innovative tool is designed to transform your personal statement from good to great. By analyzing your essay, it provides feedback on key areas such as narrative structure, language use, and the overall impact of your statement. This way, you can polish your essay to truly reflect your story in the best light possible. Now, let's take a look at how this works in practice.

Example Personal Statement:

My heart sank as I saw James, embarrassed and alone, walk away from his peers. He had just been rejected from joining a game of basketball at camp, and he was visibly distressed. I could feel the other campers’ eyes burn into my back as I walked up to him.

“Hey James!” I said cheerfully. “Do you want to talk? We can go somewhere quiet if you want."

James nodded slightly and followed me to a secluded spot near the lake. As we settled down on the grassy hillside, he began talking about basketball — his favorite sport — which made him seem more comfortable than before. Then, after some encouragement from me, he opened up about why the other campers were rejecting him: they did not understand his fascination with Transformers or how passionate he was when it came to sports stats. Despite being excellent at sports himself, they could not relate to him because of his interests in topics that were considered 'uncool'.

James' vulnerability tugged at my heartstrings, it reminded me of my own experiences of rejection from peers in my childhood due to an unorthodox upbringing. That day at camp was different though, instead of feeling helpless like before, I knew exactly what needed to be done for James: make sure that he knew there would always be people who accepted him for who he is no matter what others said about him or thought about his interests.. With this knowledge in hand, I started by asking questions about sports teams and Transformers figures so that James felt validated in sharing his knowledge with someone else who understood it well enough.. Next came reassurance that external characteristics such as intelligence or looks do not matter if one is friendly - successful people have overcome unusual circumstances throughout history - take Einstein for example! This seemed to bring a smile on James' face as he grabbed onto hope tightly like a safety blanket.. Finally, we ended our conversation by giving each other hugs, "You're now my best friends in the whole world!", declared James with enthusiasm as we parted ways.

The experience was humbling yet heartening, seeing how little things such as talking can affect someone's emotions has opened my eyes wider towards children's psychology than ever before! Working with children requires being patient but also having great empathy, since kids are often unaware of their feelings until somebody explains them through actions rather than words... Working with love really helps too - even though sometimes it takes more effort than usual!


  • Attractiveness of the Beginning: Good

The introduction of the essay is engaging and sets the scene effectively. The writer uses a narrative hook, describing a situation where a child, James, is rejected by his peers. This immediately captures the reader's attention and evokes empathy. However, the introduction could be improved by adding a thought-provoking question or a strong statement that would give the reader a hint about the essay's main theme or argument.

  • Expressiveness: Good

The language used in the document is generally clear and active, with a good mix of long and short sentences. However, there are instances of verbosity and clichés that could be improved. For example, phrases like "tugged at my heartstrings" and "grabbed onto hope tightly like a safety blanket" are somewhat clichéd and could be replaced with more original expressions. The document could also benefit from more concise language in some parts, such as "Working with love really helps too - even though sometimes it takes more effort than usual!" which could be simplified to "Working with love, despite its challenges, is beneficial."

  • Authenticity and Uniqueness: Good

The essay is quite authentic and creative, with the writer's voice and personality shining through. The writer's empathy and understanding are evident in the way they interact with James and help him navigate his feelings of rejection. The writer's personal experiences also add depth to the narrative. However, the essay could benefit from more unique expressions or creative metaphors to further enhance its originality. The writer could also delve deeper into their own feelings and reactions to make the narrative more personal and engaging.

  • Fit: Needs Improvement

The document does not provide any information about the program's requirements, the writer's future plans, or accomplishments. It is unclear how the writer's experience with James fits into the context of a specific program or goal. To improve, the writer should clearly state the purpose of the document and how their experiences align with the program's requirements or their future plans.

  • Writing and Structure: Good

The essay is generally well-organized with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction effectively sets the scene and introduces the main character, James. The body of the essay develops the story and provides insight into the writer's thoughts and actions. However, the essay could benefit from clearer topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to guide the reader through the narrative. The conclusion effectively summarizes the writer's experience and reflections, but could provide more insight or a stronger closing statement to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

  • Grammar Accuracy: Good

The document is generally well-written with correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. However, there are a few instances where the punctuation could be improved. For example, there are several instances of double periods ".." which should be replaced with a single period or other appropriate punctuation. Also, the use of ellipsis "..." could be reduced for a more formal tone.

Wrapping Up Your Personal Statement Journey: Crafting a personal statement is an art, and like any masterpiece, it takes time, thought, and a touch of creativity. Remember, your personal statement is a window into your world - it's more than just words on a page. It's your story, your values, and your dreams, all rolled into one. Use the tips and insights from this blog, and don't be afraid to let your unique voice shine through. Trust in your experiences and your perspective; they are what make you uniquely you. And if you ever feel stuck, remember that ProDream's evaluation feature is here to guide you to a polished, standout essay. Here’s to crafting a personal statement that not only opens doors to colleges but also opens up new horizons for your future!