
What to Do While Waiting for the EA/ED Decisions

2 Minutes Read

December 12
quickapply blog

What to Do While Waiting for the EA/ED Decisions

The mix of thrill and anticipation that bubbles up when you hit the 'submit' button on your college applications is unparalleled. Then comes the waiting period – a stretch of time that can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions. But don’t worry, we've got your back with a guide to navigate this phase with ease and positivity.

Understanding the Timeline:

First off, let’s demystify the waiting period. For schools with rolling admissions, expect to wait about four to six weeks. If you’re part of the regular decision group, the anticipation might stretch to eight to 12 weeks. While it's easier said than done, understanding this timeline can help set realistic expectations and reduce anxiety.

Checking Application Status:

Once your applications are submitted, you’ll likely receive a confirmation email, leading you to your applicant portal. This portal isn't just for show – it's a crucial tool for tracking your application status and, eventually, your admission decision. Check it regularly for updates or additional information requests from colleges.

Stay Active and Engaged:

Idle time can feed anxiety, so it’s crucial to keep yourself occupied and engaged. Dive into hobbies, explore new interests, or deepen your involvement in existing extracurricular activities. These endeavors not only distract you from the wait but also contribute to your personal growth.

Keep Colleges Updated:

achievement, an extracurricular milestone, or a new leadership role, updating your application portal or sending an email to the admissions office demonstrates your ongoing commitment and enthusiasm.

Plan Your Essays Wisely:

Don’t put off writing essays for regular decision applications. Starting around Thanksgiving gives you ample time to brainstorm, draft, and refine your essays without the added pressure of year-end exams and holiday activities. This proactive approach will pay off, ensuring you submit essays that truly reflect your best self.


Mindfulness and Stress Management:

During this wait, it’s vital to manage stress levels. Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga into your routine. These activities can foster a sense of calm, keeping you grounded and focused.

Engage in Joyful Activities:

Remember to have fun! Engaging in activities that bring you joy – be it binge-watching a new series, reading, or spending time with friends and family – can be incredibly therapeutic. These moments of happiness are crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy mindset.

Embrace Learning and Growth:

Utilize this time to learn something new or deepen your knowledge in areas of interest. Online courses, workshops, or even self-led projects can be enriching experiences that add to your personal and academic development.

Stay Connected and Seek Support:

Talk about your feelings and experiences with friends, family, or a counselor. Sharing your journey can provide comfort and perspective. Remember, you’re not alone in this – many students are navigating the same waters.

Stay Positive and Open to Outcomes:

Finally, adopt a positive outlook. The college admissions process is just one step in your educational journey. Whatever the outcome, it's an opportunity for growth and learning. Stay open to the possibilities that lie ahead and embrace them with confidence and optimism.

Navigating the college admissions process, especially the wait for EA/ED decisions, is a journey filled with anticipation and anxiety. But with the right mindset and activities, you can turn this period into a time of growth and positivity. Remember, no matter the outcome, your journey doesn't end here. Fantastic opportunities and experiences await you in the future!🚀